Just as important as the people in our family are the pets and animals,
so I had to highlight some of their photos as well.
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Warren and Bertha's dog, Ciggie

one of the Peters' cats

Tiger, a Peters cat

Tom Peters' dog Mack

Tom Peters' dog Simmett

Mack and Simmett

Mack and Simmett


My dog Riley

Another Peters cat

Bobbie, not a family dog but a dog belonging to the people of a place the Peters visited

my dog Riley and cat Ashley

my cat Whiskers

my cat Socks

my first dog Arrow

Tom Peters' dog Pal

a photo Stewart Peters took of some partridge eggs in a nest

the partridge on the nest

the partridges hatched

partridges hatched

a photo Stewart took of a Squirrel

Ginger and her friend the fox

Brushes used to design this page were taken from: 8nero and Hypnosia